What is UNRWA USA?

UNRWA USA is a community of people and partners committed to showing Palestine refugees that Americans care.

  • Vision

    Until there is a just solution to their plight, a world where Palestine refugees thrive.

  • Mission

    UNRWA USA lifts up the voices, experiences, and humanity of Palestine refugees to secure American support for resources essential to every human being, for the promise of a better life.

  • Core Values

    Shared purpose
    Growth Mindset

We carry out our mission in partnership with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA).

See how >>

Our mission is carried out by

  • Group photo of UNRWA USA supporters smiling in front of a step and repeat banner with the UNRWA USA logo

    Leveraging the caring power and generosity of Americans

    to raise funds for critical humanitarian programs and services like education, food assistance, and mental health

  • Photo of artist Malak Mattar

    Sharing voices of UNRWA

    portraits of Palestine refugee resilience and shared humanity.

  • Photo of participants of the Relay Run for Refugees posing in front of the United States Capitol building

    Mobilizing neighbors

    to inform more Americans about the plight of Palestine refugees and the importance of UNRWA. 

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